Bonjour Mes Amis...

Ma maman et j'espère que vous adorez notre blog !

Monday, December 1, 2008

My Mommy Said They'll Be Days Like This...

Today was a very long day.
Good news is...
I am home!

We got off to a rocky start 
with a 2 hour drive in So Cal 
traffic to the Long Beach Airport.
 We arrived hoping we had enough 
time to make our flight but soon 
found out our flight was delayed 4 hours!
Mommy and daddy stayed cool, calm, and collected.
They thought about our options, they made phone calls,
and they discussed amongst themselves...
Mommy came up with the winning plan~
Stay in the LBC, find a Starbucks to give us all
a little fuel (I am obsessed with the warm apple cider and coffee cake),
and then head to the Aquarium of the Pacific.  
We even called Aunt Jen to see if she could join us 
(once upon a time she worked there) but she pulled a few strings 
and got us in free!  Thanks Aunt Jen!  
While driving there, I fell asleep. 
 Mommy wanted me to get in a little nap 
and allow daddy time to make a few work phone calls... 
So, she sat in the car with me while I snoozed!
We then found out our flight was delayed another 45 minutes!
Oh, well!  What can you do but make the best out of a crummy
situation?  After an hour nap, mommy and daddy
and I headed for the aquarium.  It truly brightened our day!
I saw sea otters, seals, sea lions, rays, jelly fish, an array 
of sharks, and sea life.  I even enjoyed their Lorikeet Forest.
After spending time there we headed back to the airport, got on
our flight and headed home.  When we landed at the airport 
daddy had to scramble to catch a flight to 
Dallas for work (poor daddy)
and mommy and I scurried into a cab. 
(The first cab we tried to get in wouldn't take us because
 we were waiting for daddy to bring us our bags!)

my mommy said they'll be days like this!
We just wanted to get home...
and we did.  Now we are off
to have bubble baths and bed.
Wishing y'all sweet dreams!


Hannah said...

Oh Pais... I am so excited that you and your family made it back home safely. I can't wait to see you in music class. Here's to better days! =)

Kelly said...

Poor guys! Well, it sounds like you had a great time in Cali! And kuddos to your mommy and daddy for being quick and calm and turning those lemons into lemonade!

Summer said...

what an ordeal. so happy to hear you made it home safely. xoxo, aunt s

Alan said...

Thanks for the support friends!
We are glad to be home and this is why we typically
only travel for one holiday a year! Yikes!
Here's to event free travel at Christmas!

Kellsey said...

Oh, Paisley! I am so glad that you are back! we need to play. I hope that you slept well last night and got a good nap today to make up for such a long LONG day yesterday. I'm off with Mommy and brother to Target and HEB this afternoon, maybe we can see you later?


3greenbeans said...

We are glad you made it home safely. How fun that you made an unplanned trip to see all those wonderful animals! I bet that was cool!

JenAbdine said...

I am glad you had fun at the aquarium! Thank you for inviting me to hang out with you! Can't wait to see you at Christmas time! Love, Jen