Bonjour Mes Amis...

Ma maman et j'espère que vous adorez notre blog !

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Feeding Sophie...

Mommy caught me doing this
with my "pal" Sophie!
Mommy loved how I put a bib on Sophie,
and how I set her up with plates
and silverware (forks, knives, and spoons)!
Mommy could not wipe the smile off her face.
And of course she had to take
a few pictures to document this event!
This was taken in the morning after
breakfast and later that day,
after dinner, mommy and
daddy found Sophie back in my
chair having a spot of tea!
Hope you can take a little time this
weekend to slow down and have
some Christmas tea with one of your pals...
Trust moi, it's good for the soul!

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