Bonjour Mes Amis...

Ma maman et j'espère que vous adorez notre blog !

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

California Will Have To Wait For Me...

For at least one more day...
I tell you, it has been a week!
It all started last Tuesday when my
funky rash spread behind my ears (TMI?)
That's when mommy and I went into 
isolation so I wouldn't infect mes amis with my lovely
toddler germs.  On Thursday we went to see
the doctor to make sure this thing wasn't contagious 
(it wasn't~ just a little dermatitis)
and that's where I picked up this nasty cold (we think).
Mommy and I were suppose to be on a plane right now for So Cal
but we are not.  I am getting ready for bed and I just had to vent.
Have you ever had one of those weeks were everything just didn't seem 
to go your way?  It has happened to us before- we are not strangers 
to this experience but it seems so much harder when you are unable
to be around your support network (friends, family, daddy etc).
It has been just the 2 of us and we are feeling a little blue.
Mommy's had to rely on email, text messaging and facebook 
to feel connected to the world.That's just sad.  Poor Mommy!
Poor mommy is wiped out.  She cried about 4 times today.
She cried for her dear friend whose grandfather passed away.
She cried because she was overwhelmed with getting ready for 
our trip and taking care of me without getting 
good sleep the past 4 nights.
She cried because she wants to see Ya and Jen Jen so badly it hurts.
She cried watching the beginning of Finding Nemo.
Poor mommy.  She even got some of my poop 
on her wedding ring while changing a diaper tonight. 
Poor mommy.  Thank goodness daddy saved the day.  
He changed out flight for tomorrow.
He coordinated with family members.  
He continued to reassure mommy all day long that he would
 take care of everything.  He told mommy he loved her.  
He told me he loved me.
He called us a lot today.  He is our hero...
And that's why California 
will have to wait for me one more day!  
Thank you daddy!

p.s. I think mommy needs a hot bath, a glass of wine 
and a good night sleep.  
That should make her feel better! 
 Wouldn't you agree?


Kelly said...

Hey Paisley!
Sounds like your mommy definitely needs a nice hot bath and some wine!
What a cute blog you have going! Tell your Mommy Hi for me!

Summer said...

I LOVE the picture of you and your mommy. Even under stress, you still look beautiful :) xox, aunt s

Kellsey said...

Here's praying for an EXCELLENT night's sleep for the both of you!

love you.

Hannah said...

You have such a great mommy and daddy Miss Pais You are so blessed. Texas just wasn't ready to send off such a great family to California yet. Have a safe trip!

betsy green said...

Poor Miss P and Mommy! Here is hoping you make it to So Cal SOON and you BOTH feel better! Love Betsy