I am a traveler.
I have been since I was
3 months old.
When mommy and daddy
get out my sit and stroll
car seat/stroller I know
we are about to take a trip
on an airplane. I love
climbing in this seat
but I am not too keen on being
strapped down in it!
I have had many an adventure
sitting in this seat~
Typically it is when we fly
to California. I love to fly!
I am fascinated with airplanes and helicopters.
Daddy thinks I would like to fly with Papa
on his plane! I think I would too!
Next time I fly I will be 2,
and I won't need to use this
seat on the airplane anymore!
I am growing up so quickly...
p.s. Thank you Aunt Jen, Uncle E,
Kate and Neal for my Little People Pink Airplane...
I love making it fly! Mommy and
I pretend we are making it fly to Hawaii!!!
Wow no special seat on the airplane! We are really growing up!
We have not taken our boys on a plane yet! We are too chicken! So glad Pais is well traveled!
I hope you make the trip to NYC soon!
Honor spent about half the flights in her seat and half in either Mommy's or Daddy's lap. It worked. No nap, though. Bummer.
I hope that Pais enjoys sitting in her big adult seat when next she flies!
We are glad you like the airplane toy and bus, too:) Love you
Aunt Jen Jen
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