Bonjour Mes Amis...

Ma maman et j'espère que vous adorez notre blog !

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mommy's Thought for Thursday: My Baby is Almost 2...

Getting love from Kate and Neal...

Sitting around with Kate and Jackson...

Hi there Kate!

Look at me, I am lovable...
Getting love from mommy and Papa Neal...

I can't believe it...
My little pig is going to be
two, 3 weeks from today!
Yikes, where did the time go?
So much has happened in a year
and I am so grateful I have been
blogging so I have some form
of documentation of all that has
occurred. The good, the bad, and
the really sad. These pictures
were taken in early February 2008.
Paisley is at her Ya and Papa's
with her beloved cousins:
Kate, Neal and Jackson.
We have had many wonderful
moments with our families in
California over the past 2 years sharing our
Paisley with them. It is so different once you
have a child and the joy you
see them bring to so many different
people you love, too!

I also chose to post a picture of my
grandfather reaching out to touch
Paisley. They had such an amazing
connection. She talks about him
almost every day. It amazes me that a
child who has not physically seen someone
since they were 15 months old can remember
them so vividly. I love when Paisley "talks"
to her Papa Neal. She will "call" him on
the phone and say: "Papa Neal. How ya doin'?
I ate bok bok, dip dip, fries and a fork!"
Every time she does this, my heart melts.
This is one of the reasons I adore my girl~
She has such a big heart. She loves her
family and her friends deeply.

Over the next 3 weeks we will begin
the countdown to our little pig's big birthday...
I will post way too many pictures, lists of favorites,
favorite memories, adventures, travels, etc.
I will completely understand if you boycott
Piggy Press until after February 19th...
Although you may miss something

Lots of love,
Paisley's Mommy


jen medeiros said...

Oh Chauch.....

What a beautiful know I had to cry a little. The pic of Grandpa reaching out to Paisley is almost more than I can take....priceless. xoxo

Summer said...

I will never boycott! I am looking forward to the countdown to the big day.

Kellsey said...

Wonderful post, Miss. I loved it, and I am looking forward to more! I also loved the pic of Pais with her grandpa. So precious.