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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Magpie Is Four Months Old...

Our angelic lil' Magpie...

Here's my sisters stats folks...
dum ta da dum...
(that's a drum roll y'all)

Magpie is weighing in at 11.14 lbs
AND she is 24.5 inches long!
She's still a teeny tiny thing
but Dr. J said she is perfect!
She still has some issues with reflux...
She can't keep all her milky in her tummy
poor thing~Never was an issue for moi!
Mommy is going to continue nursing
Maggs, but is adding a little formula, too
which should help M gain a little weight, we hope!

I am so thankful to have
my sis. We can't believe
it's already been 4 months since
she was born. Life is so much richer
with a sister...

"Sisters, sisters
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperone, no sir,
I'm there to keep my eye on her
Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome
She wore the dress, and I stayed home
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain and sun
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one
Those who've seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can
Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man."

by Irving Berlin

p.s.Mommy loves this in White Christmas
and says Merci Beaucoup to Aunt Sum
for introducing her to this gem!


3greenbeans said...

NO WAY! I can't believe the little beauty is already FOUR months! Happy Four Month Birthday Maggs!

Summer said...

Maggie, how precious you are! I fully expect you and your sister to learn that song and sing it when you're older. xoxo aunt s