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Ma maman et j'espère que vous adorez notre blog !

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Favorite Things At 2 Years 5 Months Old...

With 3 of my favorite peeps...
Kate, Neal and Uniqua!
(In one of my fave places~ Hawaii)

Last night as mommy and I
snuggled in bed she asked
me about some of my favorite
things. This is what I had to say:

My Favorites Today:
Song~ Trot Old Joe
Sweet Treat~ cupcakes
Movie/Show~ Cars
Toy~ Uniqua from The Backyardigans
Drink~ Bubbly water with vanilla in it
Snack~Dried Mango (I esp. love Trader Joe's)
Food~ Eggs and black bean burgers
Animal~ Some fish
Art Activity~Painting
Play time Activity~ Trains
Place To Play~ The Sprinkler Park
Place To Visit Via Airplane~ Ya and Papa's house
Book~ Good Boy, Fergus by David Shannon
Outfit~ Nemo clothes (anything orange and white striped)
Friends~ All my friends (mommy thought this was so sweet!)

1 comment:

Summer said...

TJ's dried mango is so yummy! I keep it in my desk drawer at work.