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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Paisley's Year In Review

My favorite happenings since my debut on February 19, 2007!

10. Eating solid foods and finger foods…so yummy! My favorites are: pears, yo-baby yogurt, pasta, fruity and veggie booty, turkey, and cheese. I really enjoy my food when my daddy makes funny sounds to motivate me to pay attention to what is on my spoon! (6 months+)

9. Swimming naked in my Ya Ya and Papa Terry’s pool- ahh, so refreshing! (5 months)

8. Dressing up as a honeybee for my first Halloween and trick or treating with my neighborhood pals Honor, Mills, Aidan and Webb. (8 months)

7. Playing the drum or any instrument for that matter at my weekly music class…mommy enjoyed this too! We are signed up to sing again this winter with our new pals Ava, Charlotte, Mia, and Price. I also thoroughly enjoy some good dance music. Right now I am grooving to Timbaland and the Chemical Brothers- don’t ask me, ask my dad!!! (6+ months)

6. Visiting Hawaii and staying at the Kahala with my mommy, daddy, Nanie, Ya-Ya, GG, Aunt Jen, Uncle Emery and my cousins Kate and Neal. We celebrated my Nanie’s 80th birthday! I think I enjoyed playing in the sand and swimming with my daddy in the warm Pacific Ocean the most. What a life! (5 months)

5. Learning how to crawl and “cruise” around the house. I love being able to chase Moby around the house and follow my mommy wherever she goes…This is so freeing for me since I am curious about everything! (7+ months)

4. Staying at Nanie and Papa Neal’s beach house in San Clemente, California. I love hearing the waves, smelling the fresh salt air, and dipping my toes in the ocean. My mommy calls this the “magic” house because I always sleep better when I am here! (3+ months)

3. Bath time…I absolutely love the water! I love splashing water, playing with my toys in the water, drinking water from the running facet and the tub, I love drumming on the side of the bathtub, and waving hello to myself in the reflective vent cover. Mommy and daddy even make up bath time songs and sing to me while I play…sometimes I even sing back! Hmm, I am a water sign like my mom. Maybe that’s why I enjoy this time so much. It’s too bad my parents chose to live in a city that’s land locked. Good thing we have Town Lake…it will do for now.

2. Having visitors come to Austin…we have had quite a few this year! Mommy and daddy were thrilled to welcome so many family and friends into our house. My Ya-Ya, Papa Terry, Aunt Jen, Nanie and Aunt GG came to visit me in the hospital…they flew all the way from California. Mommy says they couldn’t get here fast enough! Next, my Grandpa Jeddi, Oma, Uncle Derek, and soon to be Aunt Jen came from California. There was a little bit of a lull until my 3rd month when my Grandma Judy flew all the way from South Africa! What a treat! My great-grandma Jean also flew in from California to see us, followed by a visit from mommy and daddy’s best friends Uncle David and Aunt Summer who came from NYC. Our last group of friends just came over the Thanksgiving holiday- Jenna and Raul. They are from mommy’s hometown, Redlands. We’ve also had local family and friends come by…like my favorite babysitter daddy’s little sister, my Aunt Andrea, and our good friends the Kinders. I can’t wait to see who will visit in 2008- our guest room is waiting! (Mommy says so is the queso and margaritas at Guerro’s!)

1. It is a tie…I can’t quite decide which I have enjoyed more- coming into this world and meeting my mommy and daddy for the first time (thank goodness I made it here safely and without any dents, red marks, or bruises) or spending time with mommy everyday nursing. I am a boob girl! Who wouldn’t want to be snuggled up close to their mommy drinking an all you can drink milk buffet? Enough said.

Peace, joy, and love to you all this holiday season. Don’t forget to come back and visit my mommy’s blog site for the latest piggy news and pictures. Oh, and a little plug for my dad. He is going to South Africa in January and will be blogging about his adventures. You can check it out as

Much love,

Paisley Grace

1 comment:

Summer said...

Dearest Pais,
My, what an exciting life you lead! Those Jolie-Pitt kids have nothing on you, you are becoming quite the traveler. I can't wait to introduce you to NYC (and Barneys)!
Aunt Summer

ps- LOVE the red tutu!