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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Morn In Cali...

I awoke early...what kid doesn't on Christmas morn? My cousins and I huddled together at the top of the stairs waiting for Uncle E to get his video camera rolling. Once we went downstairs the mayhem began! I got a Belle doll, a Rapunzel dress up costume, lipgloss, barbie bandaids, Christmas socks, and an orange from Santa. Maggie got a baby Belle costume! We had a blast opening all our goodies. What a JOY to be with our cousins...

Baby Jesus arrived...

Santa's drop off...

Opening up my loot...

Maggie playing with Snoopy and Woodstock...

E, Jen Jen, and Neal...

The aftermath+ a Fisher Price Little People minivan...

Playing 'Beauty Shop'...

Maggs eating a lil' Christmas snack...

Modeling my new Rapunzel gown...

And my glossy princess lips...

Neal and Chipper...

Kate waiting for her Wii...

Groovy Christmas stockings...

~Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

jen medeiros said...

Oh my captured all the moments....and I am so thankful. I am laughing and crying at the same time. I will never forget this time with you and your family. I love you all and can I dare write....wish we lived closer. HUGS!!!!!