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Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Lil' Pumpkin Cupcake, Mmm...

Well, we tried to get a shot of us girls,
but my wings got in the way...
Our lil' Halloween Pumpkin Cupcake...
Mmm, isn't Miss M yummy?
The two Miss M's...
Mommy Melissa and Magnolia!

Mommy wasn't really interested
in spending money on a silly
baby Halloween costume for Maggs.
So, we put her in a white gown,
a pumpkin hat (thanks Hullum fam)
and some fancy black and white ballet
socks (I chose those all on my own!)
and we created our own costume~
A Halloween Pumpkin Cupcake!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Yes! She is definitely a great Pumpkin Cupcake! I want to eat her yummy self up!