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Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Top Ten Traveling Tips for Toddlers...

Mommy and I flew to California on Tuesday. While we were on the plane, we counted how many flights I had been on since I was born~ 21! Can you believe it? Mommy, daddy, and I have this airplane traveling business down! So, we thought we would offer our tips for stress free
(or an attempt at a stress free) flight...

10. Pack light- this means only one medium sized carry on bag

9. Bring an entire bag of Pirate Booty~ any flavor will do!

7. Bring a few of favorite books/toys from home and throw in a few new ones...Mommy always hits the dollar bin at Target right before a trip to collect a few surprises for me!

5. A mini magna doodle

3.Order lots of ice in a cup from the flight attendants

2. Stay calm and toddler will try to stay calm too!

1. Just bring it...

Your improv skills, sense of humor, and patience to name a few!

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